
” It’s been there in the MANIFESTOS of all the Maint-Cos for the past three to four years, I am happy that I am the one to make it happen finally.” says Akhil proudly when asked about the CYCLE AUCTION. It’s like a milestone in the history of manifestos of Maint Cos I guess, now all the future nominees have one less point to write.


  • Sold 45 cycles in one day, for around 6000/-.
  • People from all the hostels were informed about the auction, so quite a few turned up.
  • Sold the G-SEC’s cycle accidentally!!


  • Not much of an auction, because people didn’t bid.
  • Highest price at which a cycle was sold was at 350/- and least being 0/-!

Akhil’s comments on these: The main point of the auction was to clear the space rather than earn money, so the prices were decent considering that. Most of the buyers were the workers so they weren’t bidding. At the end a few which were extremely rusty and needed lot of repair work were given free of cost.


Bhargava: ” It was quiet a bit of hard work, the auction. Had to wake up by 10AM on a Sunday stayed there till 7:00PM. And moreover due to low demand, there was no bidding. Rain was a hindrance. It was during that time I believe someone picked up a cycle from the other side of stand, and we sold it (there was no difference between the cycles to be sold and others other than their location). Later on Akhil said G-SEC’s cycle was missing. I guess we probably sold it, but it’s still a probability  ( not confirmed).”

What G-Sec has to say: “It wasn’t exactly accidental that my cycle got sold. I wanted Akhil to find it and sell it, but he sold without finding it, that’s all. In the end it was anyway supposed to be sold.”

I know a friend of mine who got his cycle sold too, but he never wanted to sell it. But this was entirely his fault as he was careless enough not to follow the instructions of our secys. He is worthy of some sympathy as he was from H6.

Final words from the Maint Co(Akhil) : Thank you Bhargava and Kuldeep ( Secys).

Bottom line: Was a really good effort and work ;).
But if you have a cycle, just check out, did yours go missing? 😛

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